As Fashion and Couture designer I know how important it is to understand your unique requirements and vision not only of your outfit, but of yourself.
Your very own energy is your unique "branding" and noone knows it better then you do. You do have to feel comfortable in your skin and your clothing. Regardless if you need help and assistant with a special tailored suit, a ballroom event dress, your prom dress, a specific outfit or shirt dressmaking, a stage outfit or your wedding gown: consultation and service is all what matters. Please use our email system for establishing a first call with us or simply write us your requirements. The first ten minute asignment of your request is free of charge.
Once you decide you may go forward with your order or simply need more consultation and advise, plese be so kind and book our one hour consultatation.
The one hour consultation is all about YOU. How you feel, what you like, what your color preferences are and how you like to look like in your garment and for what kind of occation you may need us. From a one time order to a complete outfit consultation and tayloring, we are here to help. The one hour consultation fee is mentioned below.
Should you then order a garment, we are happy to reduce 50 % of the first hour consultaion fee with the total sum of your order.
We are looking forward hearing from you soon.